OT Focus
A fun activity using a variety of squeeze balls to help improve hand and finger muscle tone. Have children sit with a partner or in a large circle and start the song with a small squeeze ball in each hand.
Physio Focus
A large area is needed for walking, skipping, creeping and running. Thigh muscles get a workout when children 'drop' into a squat at the end of each verse.
SP Focus
A fun vocal exploration song that includes poking tongues out, blowing tissues off hands, blowing raspberries, screaming, making indian calls and, of course, blowing kisses.
SP Focus - Keyword Signing - Auslan (and Makaton) based
A great introduction to signing. The sign is described before each verse to help children prepare for what is coming next. The keyword is repeated three times in each sentence, allowing children success and a chance to practise their signing skills.
SP/OT Focus
A calming song that allows streamers to gracefully float through the air. Reinforces 'up', 'down' and 'around' concepts. A great visual hand-eye co-ordination activity. Swap the streamer into the other hand during the song. Turning the lights off and using a bubble machine creates a calmer and magical atmosphere...
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